Bullet-Resistant vs. Bulletproof: What’s the Difference?

Bulletproof glass with a bullet in it

Understanding the nuances between “bullet-resistant” and “bulletproof” can significantly impact your decision when selecting protective materials. Whether you’re upgrading the security of your home, office, or vehicle, knowing these differences ensures you choose the right level of protection for your needs. This guide will give a thorough explanation of bullet-resistant vs bulletproof materials in order to help you make an informed choice.

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6 Acrylic Barrier Uses to Consider


Woman sitting behind an acrylic partition in office

Before the pandemic, acrylic barriers and shields were hardly given much thought—if they were given any thought, or use, at all. Post-pandemic, however, shields and other acrylic barriers are more mainstream as they are a prevalent part of the personal protective equipment (PPE) toolkit. 

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What is Plastic Fabrication? Everything You Need to Know

Plastic fabrication

What is Plastic Fabrication?

Plastic fabrication is the transformation of raw plastic materials into finished products – from household items to complex industrial components – through the use of various techniques. The versatility and adaptability of plastics make them a preferred material in a wide range of industries, including automotive, aerospace, medical, and consumer goods, so it’s important to fully understand the scope of the question, “What is plastic fabrication?” Read on to discover the different methods, finishing processes, benefits, and challenges of plastic fabrication.

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Acrylic vs Nylon: What are the Key Differences?

Nylon (Polyamide) and acrylic (Poly Methyl Methacrylate) are both made from synthetic polymers derived from petroleum. As thermoplastics, they both can be easily melted and molded into many shapes. They are both incredibly versatile materials with a wide range of uses. But they have differences that will matter depending on their use. Here, we discuss their differences, their pros and cons, and some considerations to help when choosing acrylic vs nylon for your projects. 

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